   Photo: Koycegiz

In the vicinity of Dalaman, not far from the place where the Mediterranean Sea flows into the famous river Dalyan, Koycegiz is the town. People began to settle in these areas, has a unique beauty, yet tens of thousands of years ago. One of the earliest settlements, which was discovered in the vicinity of the city, dates back to 3400 BC In this land lived and left traces of the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Dorians, Romans and Ottomans.

Modern Koycegiz has developed during the Ottoman Empire. In many ways, he is not like other tourist centers. Here, throughout the year does not change the number of the population. City in the summer months does not look much crowded, but in the winter - there is a complete desolation, as in most tourist areas. Koycegiz suitable for those wishing to spend their holidays in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, here you can go at any time of the year.

Koycegiz - this is a real water paradise. It is only necessary to go deep at any point in the area for a couple of meters, both from the ground immediately begins to beat the fountain with key crystal clear water. Perhaps that is why in Koycegiz extraordinarily fertile land and suitable for use in agriculture. The plants get the moisture right out of the soil and do not fade even in the hottest summer days. Valley is surrounded by mountains covered with pine trees and amber. Like forests, where these trees grow together, there is not anywhere else.

The city center area, from which diverge in different directions carefully planned and clean streets. There is always a revival, and at dusk the streets adjacent to the central part of the city, opening restaurants, cafes and bars. Tables often are arranged directly on the sidewalks. Despite its uncomplicated design, cafes and taverns offering visitors a variety of snacks and delicious food from all kinds of fish, meat and poultry. Local prices are much more attractive than in other tourist centers. It may be noted that local institutions there is no separation between "tourists" and local clients.

The city is picturesque Lake Koycegiz affluent, well-known natural hot springs and mud baths. The lake narrows into a channel extending to the Dalyan River, which in turn empties into the Mediterranean Sea. It is believed that the sandy beach in the area is one of the most beautiful in Turkey. It stretches for five and a half kilometers long and reaches a width of fifty to two hundred meters. There are changing rooms and showers.

You can rent a boat and visit the prison island. Previously, it was located on the prison fortress, from which today only ruins remain. There is, indeed, a beautiful name - the island of love. According to legend, once on the island was hidden by parental anger a pair of lovers, and then they were killed by a snake bite (the most common in Anatolia and the story about the snake island). In order not to confuse the sea to the lake, should focus on reeds. It only grows in the lake.

The area occupied by the lake and Dalyan channel, is about 6300 hectares. At the end of the channel there is a small lagoon, filled with a mixture of salt and fresh water. In these places, the lake mullet lays their eggs.

The beach is a breeding ground for the sea turtle "Caretta". Buried in the reeds river meanders into the sea, skirting the Lydian stone tombs of the IV century BC

Centuries ago, the valley was covered with silt and separated the lake from the sea, but still they are associated. Delta lakes formed sediments of rivers Yuvarlak and Nam-Nam. A walk around the lake with the camera give you a lot of pleasant experiences and excellent staff - in the calm surface of the water reflected the rocks and woods, a rare combination of amber and pine trees. Besides walking, you can also enjoy boating, sailing and surfing. Even if you are not interested in these kinds of rest, then take a boat for an evening stroll, you're sure to get great pleasure from the magnificent starry sky, and fishing fans urged to grab the gear and fishing rods. The lake is very sympathetic to the fishermen, and hence hard to leave without a catch.

Near the lake is the Sultaniye Hot Springs. The temperature of the water in it is about forty degrees. This is one of the most famous spa resorts: here has a pond with mud, which must be washed off after 45 minutes in the pool with thermal water.

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