Cave Dzhalovicha
   Photo: Cave Dzhalovicha

Dzhalovicha cave is located 25 kilometers from Bijelo Polje and is considered one of the most beautiful and largest in Europe. Dinaric Alps scientists refer to the youngest race uphill - to the Alpine folding; its geological age is less than 65 million years. It is known that the process of mountain building in the areas of Montenegro had still not been completed. In the rocky depths of nature created and continues to create unique beauty and scale of the cave with giant rooms, rivers and lakes. For example, some of the arches of the cave Dzhalovicha reach a height of 30 meters.

Since 1987 Belgrade cavers began to study the cave Dzhalovicha, that this year is now called the year of its opening. Presumably, the total length of the cave with lots of branches, more than 200 kilometers. By 1997, ten years of study, scientists have advanced deep into the cave is 10 kilometers, and then Czech cavers to increase that number by another 9 kilometers.

Cave Dzhalovicha long time was the so-called "non-use". This is due primarily to its geographic location: the entrance is on the territory of Montenegro, however, the whole cave - on the Serbian territory. Neither side was in no hurry to invest in the development of, for fear that someone will take advantage of other people's achievements. Despite this, the study continued Dzhalovicha cave experts from many countries and as a result all unanimously concluded that this object is not a unique phenomenon of nature, but it also represents a tangible speleological value.

The path to the cave lies the town of Kolasin to the nearest settlement to the cave - village Dzhalovich. This route takes the time about a couple of hours from the village to the cave for another hour of walking paths. The main entrance to the cave extends over two lakes, called Damn whirlpool. By summer they tend to dry out.

Excursions to the cave are included in the category of adventure tourism, and therefore, the descent only experienced cavers, well-prepared physically and psychologically. Inspect today can be about 2, 5 km of the cave. Tour of the permanent, visit the cave only after the descent takes about 4 hours, climbing to top up to 2 hours.

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