Deep volcanic lake
   Photo: The volcanic lake Deep

Flores Island, which is located deep volcanic lake, located in the western part of the archipelago of the Azores. This island was the most remote of all the islands, so long been isolated from everyone. Previously, the island called the island of St. Thomas.

The island is covered by forests on the slopes grows a lot of flowers, among which there are hibiscus, Azorin, cactus, juniper, Veres and more than 50 other species of endemic flowers. Due to the abundance of flowers on the island, which is surrounded by the ocean, the island is called "Atlantic Garden". Flores Island as part of the international network of Biosphere Reserves. It should be noted that the island's name translates as "flower".

In addition to color the island abounds with caves of volcanic origin and the volcanic lakes, among which is worth a visit deep volcanic lake. It is worth mentioning that the volcanic lakes in the world there is a huge amount, but in the Azores archipelago, they have a particular splendor.

On the island of Flores has seven lakes located in the craters of extinct volcanoes, and to a group which is a deep lake, Lagoa Funda. Deep Lake is located at the foot of a mountain, 25 km south-west of the ancient city of Santa Cruz. Deep lake in the form of a circle surrounded by small sandy beaches on the coast grow various plants and plenty of hydrangeas, which is considered the "queen" of the island. Most of the time the Seven Lakes, including the deepest lake, tight fog, so it is recommended to visit the lake in the spring.

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Deep volcanic lake