Church of Our Lady
   Photo: Church of the Virgin Mary

There Broumov another attraction, which is known far beyond the city and even the country. It is the oldest wooden church Czech. It is at the local cemetery, consecrated in the name of St. Mary and perfectly preserved to this day.

Locals often call it the Church "under the lime trees", as the cemetery, where it is to grow old trees. Church perfectly with them, it fits harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and looks simple and elegant.

As you know, the city of Broumov was founded in 1171. Just six years after its foundation was laid in the city's first church - wooden church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is said that the funds allocated for its construction bogachka, profess paganism, but recently baptized. She has donated the church a headdress decorated with pearls and precious stones, and therefore has no price. It can be seen among the exhibits of the city museum city Broumov. It's amazing that this piece is carefully stored for 9 centuries.

The first mention of the Church of St. Mary, which then called the parish, we find the documents in 1383. In 1421, the city was surrounded by the Hussites, who failed to seize it. But the suburbs were not protected as carefully as the center, so the Hussites destroyed the church to the cemetery. Still, something was left of it, as its citizens simply repaired rather than erected again.

The church provided several times in the midst of the fire, it stubbornly rebuilt. In the XVIII century it was reconstructed, adding to the existing building low bell tower.

Church of the Virgin Mary surrounded by an open gallery. Inside, visitors will be interested to see the painting on the ceiling and the image of the Virgin in 1609.

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