Stanpit Marsh
   Photo: Stanpit Marsh

Stanpit Marsh - Nature Reserve near the seaside resort town of Bournemouth. This unique location combines the salt marsh, freshwater marshes, reed beds, areas of sand and pebble beaches.

On 65 acres of the reserve grow more than 300 plant species, 14 of which - the rare and endangered. In addition, there live 312 species of birds. Some nest in these marshes, but most - migratory, which Stanpit Marsh - the perfect place to rest and find food during migration. Here you can also find many species of amphibians and insects, including reed frog. Stanpit Marsh - a paradise for bird watching, in Britain it is a kind of sport.

Through the swamp is a channel called "Mothers Stiller ditch" - in honor of Hannah Steller, who lived in the XVIII century, the owner of the local pub. Channel came to the back door of the pub, and are actively used by local smugglers. Through a ditch spanned by a collapsible bridge (Bailey Bridge), one of the few that have survived since the Second World War.

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