Cathedral of the Holy Virgin
   Photo: Cathedral of the Holy Virgin

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin in Baranovichi - a unique church with an unusual destiny. The cathedral was built specifically for transported from the Warsaw Alexander Nevski Cathedral mosaic murals by architect Alexander Obolon.

Since the end of XVIII to the beginning of XX century Warsaw was part of the Russian Empire. A city with a centuries-old Catholic history have repeatedly rebelled against the Russian government and the Orthodox Church. In order to secure the Russian domination in 1900 in the center of Warsaw was built a huge magnificent Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, to which the Russian Empire and the Orthodox Church did not spare neither the means nor the strength. The interior of the cathedral decorated with columns of semi-precious materials and other precious jewel, and mosaics on sketches Vasnetsov, N. Bruni, N. Koshelev, V. Dumitrashko were made in the workshop of the famous St. Petersburg Frolov.

By the decision of the Polish Sejm in 1924, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was demolished, but the seven mosaic panels were rescued and transported to Baranavichy. It immediately began the construction of the Pokrovsky Cathedral, where the newly established panel that during transport received minor injuries. These mosaics recognized as the best in the world of mosaics created in the XIX-XX centuries.

Now the beautiful Cathedral of Baranavichy is in perfect condition. By the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus it was decorated with gilded crosses. The temple grounds landscaped and pleasing to the eye. Since 1990, the cathedral Sunday school for children and adults.

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