Mansion Filippov
   Photo: House Filippova

One of the attractions of the city of Zhitomir is Filippova house, which is located on the southern outskirts of the city, on the street B. Berdichevskaya, 61/18.

Two-storey house in the baroque style, Zhytomyr belonged to the notary and lawyer Ivan Nikolaevich Filippov. Erected in 1886, the house was originally wooden. But in 1903 Filippov has reconstructed it, turning it into a mansion.

In Soviet times, in connection with the change of government, the house repeatedly changed their owners. This mansion housed various institutions. Originally, the house was opened Soviet party school where a teacher Dovzhenko. During the civil war in 1920 are briefly housed the headquarters of the First Cavalry Budyonny. Later, the house was opened school - school № 22. But most people visit it when in the building of a notary in the middle of the 70s was the registrar. In Soviet times, the house had planned to finish on the back side, however, with the collapse of the Soviet Union the construction stopped.

Today, in the building at the same time placed three government agencies: the registrar, Department of Culture and the Department of Justice. Neat and tidy homestead preserved as a charm of its previous owner. To bring the house in proper form in the autumn of 2010 began to be renovated.

Mansion Filippov - is an architectural monument of local importance, which can be compared only with the building of the consistory, which now houses the museum. Mansion Filippov and consistory were built in the same architectural style.

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