   Photo: Medvednica

Medvednica - the name of the mountain range and is located where the natural park, located north of the Croatian capital, Zagreb. The highest point is Mount Sljeme Medvednica, whose height is 1033 meters. This mountain range - a popular place of recreation for residents of the capital.

In the central part of the park Medvednica are numerous landscaped roads, hotels, historical monuments and elements of infrastructure (restaurants, shops), so that the visitors can get the impression that they are in a normal city park. In the Nature Park Medvednica found about a thousand different species of plants, about a hundred species of birds and a variety of animals and insects.

Natural Park covers an area of ​​approximately 240 square meters. km. Most of the park grows a beech and fir forest. On top of Mount Sljeme The Zagreb tower height is 169 m. To the summit can be reached by road or by cable car. Located immediately Alpine Skiing resort of the same name as the best in the northern part of Croatia. On the northern and eastern slopes of Medvednica arranged ski slopes with varying degrees of complexity. On the northern slope of the regularly held international slalom competition.

One of the main attractions of natural origin is veternica cave, located in the southwestern part of Medvednica. The cave has a length equal to 7128 meters, but due to security reasons, visitors can attend only the first 380 meters. The cave has interesting cave paintings, traces the life of primitive people about 42 thousand. Years and a colony of bats. Also veternica you can admire the stalactites and stalagmites, the most interesting of which have their own names and highlighted.

Another attraction is the Medvednica Zrinski mine, which is the underground mines, open corridors and development, the development of which began in the 15th century.

On the southern slope of the array is Medvedgrad fortress, built in the 13th century by the decision of Pope Innocent IV after hordes of Mongols destroyed the capital. However, an impregnable fortress has never attacked the enemy. Today, Zagreb can enjoy from the observation deck of the fortress from a height of 500 meters.

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