Museum Center Andrei Tarkovsky
   Photo: Museum Center Andrei Tarkovsky

Museum Center Andrei Tarkovsky Yuryevets opened in November 28, 1996. The initiative of the museum belongs to local historians, the city administration, Committee for Culture and Art of the Ivanovo region, as well as society Tarkovsky and the Association of Museums IGOIRM.

Andrei Tarkovsky is a recognized master of cinema, talented Russian director. His films are an integral part of the culture of our time. The origins of his creative genius - a small town on the Volga - Yurievets, Andrei Tarkovsky considered it their homeland.

The house where the museum center built in the early 20th century. In Soviet times, and up to the opening of the museum was communal housing. Since 1933, two rooms in the house were reserved for the mother of Andrei Tarkovsky's stepfather, NM Petrov

Tarkovsky was born in the village of Zavrazhye Yuryevetsky District April 4, 1932. During the evacuation - in the period from 1941 to 1943, the family lived in their Yuryevets grandmother. It was in this town of Andrew went to school and received his primary education. In 1943 the family returned to Moscow. In 1951 Tarkovsky graduated from high school, and in 1954 he entered the directing department of the Film Institute.

In 2007, the 75th anniversary of the director re-exposition of the museum was completed. In the courtyard of the museum there are two architectural composition: the wall of the destroyed temple, which embodies the image of the temples in the films of Andrei Tarkovsky, as well as symbolizing the memory of all the temples lost in the 20th century; "Well", which symbolizes the sacred attitude in films of the great director.

The museum exhibition - four rooms: "Family History", "The world of the artist", "communal apartment. 1941-1943 years "," Annushka Corner "and" Communal kitchen ". Of greatest interest to visitors of the museum presents the exhibition "Communal Living", which is a reconstruction of the memories sisters director - M.A.Tarkovskoy communal apartment, where he lived for some time the future genius. Hall "The world of the artist," reveals the creativity of the master film and tells the story of eight of his films, including the short thesis work, created in 1961 under the title "The Steamroller and the Violin".

His first feature film, Tarkovsky created in 1962. It was "Ivan's Childhood" on a story by Vladimir Bogomolov. For this film the director has received more than 10 awards at international film festivals, including the prize "Golden Lion of St. Mark." The next big job - "Andrei Rublev." The tape of the great painters of the 15th century Russia. During its creation, despite the difficult fate of the film, Andrei Tarkovsky has received the most awards in 1978 included a picture of the hundred best films in the history of the world cinema.

Tarkovsky in his work also turned to the genre of science fiction. He created such films as "Stalker" on the novel by Strugatsky and "Solaris" on the novel by Stanislaw Lem. Appeal to the fiction filmmaker to become a new opportunity for understanding the social and moral problems of mankind.

In 1973, Andrew went to Yurievets to choose a place for location filming of "The Mirror". But not finding the city of his childhood, he decided to take a picture of Moscow.

His last two works the master shot abroad. The film "Nostalgia" he filmed in Italy, and "Sacrifice" - in Sweden. After the "Sacrifice" Tarkovsky died. He left behind a rich legacy of his brilliant creativity, which opens our eyes to the basic moral values ​​in life. Each year the name of Tarkovsky is more and more interest in people of different ages.

Annually Yuryevets earth marked the days of Andrei Tarkovsky, and since 2007, every year it takes place here Festival. Tarkovsky international scale "Mirror".

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