Town Hall Tower
   Photo: Town Hall Tower

Town Hall Tower - a stone in terms of - rectangular, one of the two extant fighting towers fortress of Vyborg. It was built in the 1470s. together with other tower defense walls of Stone Town. Town Hall Tower - the only extant military fortifications, which consisted of a line of defense in the southeastern wall of Stone Town.

By the end of the 15th century. Vyborg was a well-fortified castle, which consisted of two units of Defense: Stone Town on the mainland and the castle on the island, adapted to self-defense, which proved during the siege of 1495 Russian forces, led by Vasily Scheney, Yakov and Vasily Shuisky Zaharievich 21 September 1495 was approached to Vyborg, closed around him continuous siege. The besiegers had a significant portion of the numerical and technical superiority (artillery). The fortress is - untrained peasants and 500 German mercenaries. There were about 1, 5 thousand defenders. During one of the attacks killed nearly 900 people, weakening the defense of the fortress.

October 13, Russian troops for the first time attempted to storm the fortress, but without success. Then began a long and exhausting siege. To help Vyborg detachment was sent from Sweden, but he has not got to the fortress. During the shelling destroyed three towers in the south-east wall of the Stone Town. November 30 began a decisive assault on the fortress. Russian troops were able to capture the St. Andrew's Tower. The fight was seven, but Russian soldiers were unable to build on their success. The commander of the besieged garrison commander Swedish Knut Posse organized a counterattack. Defenders managed to introduce confusion into the ranks of the invaders staged a fire inside the fortress. Knut Posse gave the order to burn the captured tower. As a result, the tower was blown up. Significant losses Russian troops forced them to stop the assault. A December 4 Russian troops lifted the siege of the fortress and went home.

Vyborg Castle and Stone Town proven to be quite sophisticated fortifications. Trying to take the Vyborg Efforts were also troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1556, but has also proved unsuccessful.

The development of military technology has led to the need to change designs of military fortifications. The walls of fortresses began to do less, but thicker. Towers began to build a squat, but large in size.

Military history has been proved that during the defense fortresses fire directed at the flank of the attack is more effective than the front. Towers started to build with some takeaway side of the field before the walls. In order to improve the city's fortifications such a building was erected in Vyborg.

Information about the town hall tower appeared only in the 1558-1559 gg. in connection with its repair. Stages of construction of the structure is well defined measurement drawings of the same type of livestock tower, which was demolished in 1763 and a full-scale investigation, held in 1974 in the Tower Hall.

Originally the tower had oblique views in terms of facilities under a gable roof, which stood outside the city walls. It had a height of 9, 7 m (up to the roof ridge - 12 5 m). By the tower on both sides adjacent height 5 7 m fence, are the remnants of the dismantled ramparts. North facade of the town hall tower with ramparts was a whole, ie all of its capacity, she performed in the direction of the "field" to flank adjacent sections of the fortress wall. Vertical Tower Hall was divided into three tiers (or "fight"). The so-called "plantar battle", which is the first tier of the tower was closed vault. A stone staircase inside the tower led to the level of "first fight", located above the "second battle", where there was a five-chamber embrasures (one in the back wall and two in the side walls to guide flanking fire).

It is assumed that all the rectangular towers of Stone Town, in Vol. H. And the Town Hall Tower, was travel. The width of the entrance opening was 2, 6 m. Overlooking the "field" has a rectangular opening, and inside the tower - a semicircular shape. Most likely, the passage was blocked outside the drawbridge and gate lockable horizontal beam.

With the construction of the bastion Horned fortress walls and towers of Stone Town lost its military importance. Outside the opening in the stone tower was built (probably in the 16th century.), While in the brickwork was left a loophole combat with an emphasis for arquebus.

When the tower finally lost its significance, she was transferred to the city council hall. It has been arranged with an arsenal of weapons and military armor citizens who were obliged to defend the city in case of need. Since then, the tower survived and remains the name that has come down to our time - the town hall tower.

Later, formerly used as a defensive structure erected near the bell tower of the Cathedral of the Dominican monastery, and then - the church of the parish Vyborg. That the appointment of construction caused further rework it, distorted the original appearance of the building.

Town Hall Tower has become a be in the form of the octagon on the quadrangle. And in 1758 the building was crowned with a pointed Baroque floors. In the future, after the fire and restoration in the late 18th century. Tower its appearance has not changed.

Fire 13 March 1940 was destroyed by a wooden spire. The first restoration and reconstruction works in the tower was begun in 1958 It was then built a temporary HIP coverage and embedded boards windows. Construction was mothballed, and stood there for almost 20 years.

At the end of 1970. the tower was restored Baroque roof by architect AI Khaustova. However, the building stood abandoned, without utilities, landscaping until 1993

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