East Vyborg strengthening (Battery Hill)
   Photo: East Vyborg strengthening (Battery Hill)

To the east of the center of Vyborg in 1863-1870 GG It was built the East Vyborg fortifications. After completion of the Crimean War and the defensive fortifications on the perimeter of the city began to be erected in a new way: now takes into account the possibility of a circular defense. With regard to Vyborg, after the demolition of the old Horned fortress city from the east was left without protection. Knowing this, the War Minister Milutin in April 1863 addressed to the Emperor Alexander II, a report on the necessity of erecting barriers in the 12 miles from the city.

Three months later, in a letter to Inspector-General of EI Totleben was mention of a plan to build in 1864 new fortifications Vyborg. Then the city was visited by Captain Kalugin, and later - General Count Liders, amounting to Emperor memo. According to the project, after a year, it began the construction of new fortifications, which later became known as the East Vyborg. Before the St. Petersburg suburb had to be erected four separate redoubts with special cellars for ammunition, three batteries and advanced construction.

The band of the East Vyborg fortifications ran from the bay to the bay Hovenlahti Papulanlahti. On a hill at an altitude of Vartsmaninvuori 30 meters is the central station, where it was the largest number of batteries. This place was a mixed forest, and the beach was littered with large granite boulders. Hill was renamed Battery Mountain.

Most of the work took place in 1864. Great difficulty was construction in front of curtain wall of the pit. It was made by explosions. Until our times in granitic massifs can find a lot of holes where and lays the explosives.

All buildings, except those on the left have been stone. Parapet four redoubts ripped fortress. Before the moat was constructed glacis. Next to the mounted weapons was made 7 more powder magazines. To the flanks of the fortress had the opportunity to communicate, was constructed brick underpass. Inspection gallery and moves it made in 1870

The list of buildings of the East Vyborg fortifications were in addition to 4 redoubts, 3 batteries, grade, powder magazines, inspection gallery, wooden sheds for ammunition, spare gunpowder cellar, barracks, 5 wells and guard houses. All constructions were plastered, whitewashed.

Construction of the East Vyborg in Russia to strengthen cost 1 million rubles. Direct management to Vyborg Chief Engineer's Office, Lieutenant-Colonel Kisliakof.

In 1885 the fortifications were 123 guns: 28 unicorns, 69 guns, 26 mortars. By 1892, the number of guns has increased to 179: 16 smoothbore mortars, 34 smoothbore gun, 100 rifled cannons, 20 rapid-fire guns.

In the early 20th century from Vyborg it was built of red brick wall with imitation-mashikuli loopholes to protect military depots, and as decorative ornaments.

On the East Vyborg fortifications did not recall until the Russian-Japanese war. Upon its completion, it was decided to support a defensive point. Here built gendarmerie house, granite and brick walls, the kitchen.

By the beginning of the October Revolution, the East Vyborg fortifications were badly outdated and of the War Department gave them to the city.

The role of the East Vyborg strengthening played only in the war with Finland. Vyborg, being a stronghold of the Bolsheviks, was surrounded, and the counter-revolutionaries who were then in the city, released the Whites, who were detained in the castle, and were able to capture the East Vyborg fortifications. However, in the battle, which occurred April 25, 1918, the Bolsheviks drove them out. In order to stay in the cellars of ammunition have not proved to be enemies, they decided to destroy. Here, in February 1940, it was suspended by the offensive of the Red Army. Finnish troops held these positions until the conclusion of peace.

Now Battery Mountain is located between the historical quarter of Vyborg and new areas. East Vyborg strengthening is not only valuable specimens of ancient history fortress architecture, and remarkable monuments of military glory of the Russian people.

In the East Vyborg fortifications today is a park of culture and recreation.

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