Annensky strengthening
   Photo: strengthening Annensky

Annensky strengthening - fortifications in Vyborg, located on the island of Tverdysh. They were built in 1730-1750 gg. Annensky facilities Annenkron also called in honor of the Russian Empress Anna Ivanovna (from the Swede. «Annenkrone», which means "Crown of St. Anne"). Fortress, the latest at the time, occupied an area comparable to the entire urban development. Today Annensky strengthening is a rare monument of Russian defensive architecture of post-Petrine times.

Annensky strengthening are four bastions, which are connected by curtains, which stretches across the island from the coast of the Gulf of Vyborg Bay up defensively.

History Annensky fortifications began in January 1724, when the most famous in those days, military engineers Minikh, pendants and de Bruyne proposed to develop a project of Vyborg fortifications. Munnich pendant and all agreed that it is necessary to strengthen the coastal area of ​​the island Tverdysh.

The project was supposed to Munnich construction fortified zone, which would have crossed the entire island. The project has been recognized as expensive, and besides, its implementation would require a significant number of large garrison and weapons.

By building in 1731 a project was approved Coulomb on which defensive belt semicircle covered island coast just opposite the castle and walked further along the Cape Tar Beach. Coulomb project eliminates many time-consuming rather earthworks. And the rounded flanks of the fortifications of it turns out to be so vulnerable.

Construction of fortifications started in 1730 fortifications erected Russian peasants and soldiers. To perform the work of Kexholmsky and Vyborg provinces were requested 2 thousand people and 200 carts. The fortifications were built in secret, outsiders were not allowed to the site. By 1733 he was already dug out the moat and built two bastions, and in the early 1740s. all the essential elements of the fortress were erected.

First, construction management Munnich was carried out later - Lieutenant General Lyuberasom. At the beginning of the 1750s. Annensky worked on fortifications AP Hannibal, the great-grandfather of the great poet, who was previously in the Siberian exile. His return has contributed personally Minich, he entrusted AP Hannibal guide the engineering part of the Military Collegium. His main duty was to check the annual reports under construction fortresses, project analysis and estimates.

In addition to the fortifications in the fortress were built two powder magazines, storage artillery ammunition, three shops, two guardhouses - guardhouse, three forges, pit, 16 residential areas.

At the fortress in the second half of the 18th century. He was an active life. Inhabiting it, mostly Russian. Despite the fact that the strengthening Annensky never been under siege, reconstruction and restoration work is going almost continuously. We had to rebuild eroded by waves after heavy storms defenses. Often the event of fire. The largest occurred in 1793

In 1772 and 1808 in connection with a new exacerbation of Russian-Swedish relations, and in 1854 - in connection with the strengthening of the Crimean War Annensky put in order. In 1864-1865 gg. Fortress slashed in two road, so they almost completely lost its defensive significance.

Annensky strengthening have a crown shape and covers a territory stretching about a kilometer. In addition to the four bastions, which are connected by curtains, the fortress includes excavation pits and shafts, which form the three front bastion. Kotrgard strengthens the second bastion. The outer wall of fortifications (escarpment) is made of granite boulders. The wall height is 10 m, and thickness - 3 m. According to the old road that runs west to earth curtain made two stone gates: Hamina and Ravelin Gate.

In honor of the 200th anniversary of the capture of Vyborg by Russian troops before the gates of Hamina on the mass grave of Russian soldiers who died during the storming of Vyborg in 1910 was a stele. In the years of independence Finland stele it was dismantled, and in 1994 it was rebuilt a replica of.

Annensky strengthening operating in the past an important role in the defense system of the Russian border in the northwest, as a valuable monument of Russian fortress architecture of its time protected by the state.

Currently, the well-preserved fortifications often act the scene of various cultural events. The reconstruction of the fortress held jousting and dance festival «Castle Dance».

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