Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunchata
   Photo: Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunchata

Santa Maria Annunchata - Cathedral of Vicenza, a huge dome designed by Andrea Palladio (he probably was the author of the northern side of the door).

It is believed that the very first church stood on this spot, had the name of a particularly revered in Vicenza Great St. Euphemia, whose relics are kept today inside the cathedral. Probably, in the 6th century, there has been a first rename the temple, which was called Santa Maria. This was due to the fact that shortly after the 431 th year of the Third Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church, which was proclaimed the dogma of the Blessed Virgin Mary, many churches have been renamed in her honor. First of all it belongs to the main religious buildings of the city - the Cathedral. And later, probably between the 7th and 8th centuries, the name of Santa Maria has been added Annunchata console, because it is at the time was widely spread feast of the Annunciation (L'Annunciazione).

In 1467, the year the sculptor Pietro Lombardo from Carona was instructed to make tombstone Fiokardo Battista, which is now bricked up in the wall of the cathedral, and in 1468, the year - gravestone Alberto Fiokardo brother Battista, local archdeacon.

Construction of the apse of the cathedral was begun in 1482, the year the project by Lorenzo da Bologna, but in 1531, the ninth year she had remained unfinished. The first time the roof was built in 1540, the year, as expected, that will be held in Vicenza Trent (later transferred to the Trento). Only in 1557, the year the commune of Vicenza was able to obtain from the Republic of Venice receipt of funds for the completion of the cathedral. Responsible for the execution of works was appointed Andrea Palladio, who was probably the author of the project all the religious complex. Construction proceeded in two stages: in 1558-59-m respectively above the windows has been installed and the cornice was made drum of the dome, and the dome was erected in 1564-66-m respectively. Shaped lamp and devoid of decorations, he later served as a model for the dome of the church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.

In 1560, the year Paolo Almerico asked permission from the head of the cathedral erected at his own expense the north portal of the church in the likeness of the chapel of San Giovanni Evangelista. It is about the Almerico Paolo, who a few years later entrust the construction of the famous Palladian villas La Rotonda. The portal was made in 1565, the year. Its authorship is credited with the same Palladio, but did not survive no documents to prove it, or personal sketches of the architect. The historians are based on the similarity of the portal of the cathedral with the ancient samples, is well known by Palladio, and the lateral portal of the cathedral of San Pietro di Castello in Venice, on which Palladio was working in 1558, the year.

During World War II, Santa Maria Annunchata was severely damaged during the bombing of the city by US troops. Preserved only the facade. The destroyed part of the cathedral, including the dome of Palladio, were reconstructed, but priceless frescoes decorating its interior were lost forever. Near the cathedral is the Diocesan Museum, which stores various artifacts related to the history of Santa Maria Annunchata.

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