Porta Borsari
   Photo: Porta Borsari

Porta Borsari - Verona ancient gate, built in the 1st century AD as a military outpost in the south of the city. Today it is considered a monument of the Roman era, and a tourist attraction. Unfortunately, up to now reached only the facade of the building, which, according to historians, served as a military barracks.

Once it passed through the Porta Borsari via postumia, built in 148 BC and which had a length of about 450 km. In Verona, she turned into a Decumanus Maximus - the so-called in the Roman Empire, the main street of the city, oriented east-west. The Roman Forum - is now Piazza dell'Erbe - Decumanus Maximus crossed with Cardo Maximus, street-oriented from north to south. And they themselves were the main entrance gates to the city and because of this, were richly decorated. Once the adjoined to them, even the patio, which was destroyed later - only preserved remains of its base adjacent to the gate Piazza Serenelli-Bencholini.

In Roman times the gate called Porta Ioviya because they were located next to a small temple of the god Jupiter. In the Middle Ages they were called Porta di San Zeno in honor of the patron saint Zeno in Verona. A gate current name comes from the word "bursarii", which translated from Latin means "taxes, duties," - soldiers who served here charge a fee.

Today, the white stone Porta Borsari is a three-tier structure: the first tier are two arched openings, which used to be the entrance gate, and the other two tiers consist of six openings framed by half-columns with Corinthian capitals. Also on the lower tier of the inscription is visible 245 years - «Colonia Verona Augusta».

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