Museum Cassinelli
   Photo: The Museum Cassinelli

Private Archaeological Museum Cassinelli began operations in January 1971, offering its visitors to get acquainted with the archeological artifacts found in Latin America from the Chavin culture (1500 BC) to the culture of the Incas (1532 AD).

The history of this museum is closely linked with Jose Luis Cassinelli Mazzei, who devoted his life to finding the exhibits relating to "the art of ancient Peru." He managed to gather quite a numerous collection of objects - products of ancient artisans of stone, bone, textiles, metal. In his collection gathered more than 6000 ceramics of great beauty, made by artisans twenty large pre-Columbian cultures Moche, Nazca, Rekuay and others.

The museum also has a valuable collection of jewelry made of gold and silver collection of textiles and other objects of archaeological cultures of Chavin, Moche, Chimu. The focus of this exhibition devoted to ceramic vessels portrait - Waco.

The idea of ​​collecting antiquities, obviously born with a sense of love for Peru, which led Jose Cassinelli in 60 years - from the purchase of a small ceramic figurines - the birth of the museum. Unfortunately, Cassinelli died on 8 March 2012. His children are now dream of his father - to move the collection to a safe place to protect cultural heritage. During the life of Jose Cassinelli he worked on the project of a new museum building, which was located near the town. This complex is preparing to build mainly on donations from individuals. It remains only to adjust some of the legal aspects of public services and to make the dream a reality Jose Cassinelli.

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