   Photo: Trooditissa

During the period of iconoclasm in the Troodos Mountains it was founded many monasteries and churches. This is due to the fact that it was in the mountains it was very easy to hide from the persecution and harassment. There the monks are often hidden the most valuable icons.

It began as the story of the mountain orthodox monastery in Cyprus, which bears the name Trootidissa .  It is located near the nature reserve "Cedar Valley" .  It is believed that the monk, whose name has unfortunately not survived, brought to Cyprus icon of the Mother of God Trooditissa from Asia Minor .  Ascetic lived in a small cave near the place where now stands the monastery .  After his death, a miracle icon was found in his monastery - a local shepherd noticed a certain glow on the mountain and taking with him his comrades, decided to see what this strange light .  People climbed the mountain and saw the wonderful icon of the cave, and decided on the spot to build a temple .  But legend has it that every time the peasants began to build a church building collapsed .  One night one of them had a angel, who have a new place to Temple .  It was there that he built, and then moved to the icon found .  And then next to it there was a monastery .

The first mention of the Church in written records date back only from the XIV century. At the end of the XVI century, it was completely burned. He survived only icon of the Mother of God. As for the modern church and monastic buildings that were built during the XVIII to the XX century.

Thus, a new church appeared in 1731, the same year when it was built the school. Thanks to the patronage of wealthy citizens, he got rich utensils and a new gilded iconostasis. In 1999, the walls of the church were re-painted by the best artists of Cyprus.

This place is quite popular among leisure travelers, and among the pilgrims - often pray the famous miraculous icon Trootidissy childless couples come to ask the Mother of God of the baby. In addition, the monastery houses a relic of another - "belt of the Virgin", which is also believed to help those who dream of a child.

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