House of Dragons
   Photo: Dragon House

Dragon House - a well-preserved part of a large suburban complex, so-called "white villas", and is located 500 meters north-west of the main building. A two-storey stucco house dragons, as well as the villa itself, is considered a vivid example of the Prussian neoclassicism of the early 19th century.

In 1819, the Lord Mayor Wilhelm von Trier Howe bought the land on which in 1823 began to build his private villa. On a small plot, originally belonged to the monastery of St. Mary, was built in 1829. The house dragons, intended for household needs of suburban complex. Its unusual name of the house was a few years after the construction, when the roof at the corners were two copper shapes of dragons. Previously, they were decorated gutter Trier Hall.

After the death of Wilhelm von Howe in 1862 a plot of land with all buildings was bought by the governor of Luxembourg Prince Henry of the Netherlands, and the House of the Dragon began to serve his home for the forester. Later, the building passed into the possession of the city and was used as an apartment house. Today the building is protected by the state in the territory of the reserve, including 1400 hectares of urban forests. Its courtyard is used for the production needs of commercial forestry, and 4 apartment houses dragons are rented. Next to the building are wooden Forest Museum, guided nature trail and deer park.

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