Touraine Wine Museum and the Museum of the guilds in the Abbey of Saint-Julien
   Photo: Museum of Touraine Wine Museum, and guilds in the Abbey of Saint-Julien

The premises of the former Abbey of Saint-Julien, located on the Rue National, today there are two museums, one of which is dedicated to wine making, and other crafts Touraine.

Touraine Wine Museum is located in the cellars of the monastery, it presents the history of wine up to the most modern technology, you can also see the various tanks for wine made from different materials, costumes wine brotherhoods of this historic province and, of course, try represented in the tasting room drinks.

Located in a nearby building museum guild represents products Tournois craftspeople - both medieval and modern, with recent works can be purchased at the gift shop and the work of their predecessors - only to see a part of the exhibition, including the furniture, footwear, blacksmiths and stone carvers.

Both the museum occupies a building built in the XII century. The first buildings were on this site as early as the beginning of the VI century - first church erected on the orders of King Clovis I, and then in the second half of the century was built the abbey itself. It was dedicated to St. Julian Briudskomu, during the life of a former Roman soldier, and was martyred for his faith. The heyday of the abbey fell on the X-XI century - in this period it enjoyed the greatest influence, which gradually came to naught in XV century.

Church of Saint-Julien repeatedly destroyed, and the damage it was applied not only military action, but also natural phenomena of nature - so in 1224 a hurricane destroyed her nave. After the case was restored by the church in 1240, and in this form it has remained to this day. However, after the French Revolution, it was bought by a private citizen and was used as a stable for the horses of guests near the hotel, and at the beginning of the XIX century - and as a station for stagecoaches. Among the features of the church is worth mentioning the 25-meter bell tower and stained glass windows, which are created for the church in the XX century artist Max Ingran.

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