National Park Zhau
   Photo: National Park Zhau

Zhau National Park is located in the state of Amazonia. This is one of the largest parks in Brazil. Zhau was founded in 1980, and in 2000 was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2003, after merging with other environmental areas, it was included in the Central Amazonian protected complex.

Zhau includes the territory of several Amazonian ecosystems: flooded for many months low floodplain, high floodplains, which are periodically flooded, and never flooded area between the rivers. It is this terrain morphology and determines the nature of the flora and fauna. On the diversity of fauna also exert their influence of "Black River". They are deeper than conventional, the water is transparent with a dark shade because the decaying plant residues.

Zhau famous for its variety of flora. Per hectare of forest is found up to 180 different species of plants. In the forest, only about 5 layers of plants, of which three - the trees. All kinds of palm trees - ivory, pashiuby, irriatrei, piriuao - constitute the upper tiers. Also here you can find a wide variety of figs and members of the legume family. Typically Brazilian Dairy tree also grows in the protected park in large numbers. It is known for its sweet fruit tastes like milk. Growing up in a tree Zhau chocolate (cocoa), mahogany, ferns, different kinds of bromeliads, moss. Often there are huge fragrant flowers, entwined with vines and aerial roots trees and shrubs.

In the park, and home to a large number of animals, including sloths, anteaters, manatees, opossums, armadillos, crocodile and black caimans.

The national park Zhau are plenty of eco-tours. Their duration varies from a few hours to several days. Tourists are invited to hunting, fishing, horseback riding, hiking, boat trips.

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National Park Zhau