Abbey of Marmoutier
   Photo: Abbey of Marmoutier

Marmoutier Abbey, located in the Tour, was one of the most important monasteries Turska diocese. It was founded in the end of IV century, St. Martin of Tours, who was bishop of the city. St. Martin was a very revered during his lifetime, but today he is revered as the patron saint of winemakers.

Despite his high rank, Saint Martin lived in a modest cell, which was located near one of the city's churches. The large flow of people, eager for his blessing, Bishop forced to leave the tour and live in mountainous deserted area (now the place is just three kilometers from the city limits of contemporary Tour). Over time around Martin as lonely settled several dozen people who built themselves huts or cells hollowed out in the rocks. So there was a monastery, which was named Marmoutier (or Great Monastery).

In the middle of the IX century, the monastery was looted and burned during the invasion of the Normans. Most of the monks were killed, but the abbey was restored, and in the XI century, it has become one of the richest and most influential in Europe. The monastery is also distinguished himself as a cultural center and a wealth of knowledge in the medical field. Feudal War XI century, also caused damage to the monastery, but the beginning of the XIII century monastery once again restored, expanded its ownership and building a basilica. In the second half of the XVI century, in the era of religious wars, the temple and monastery suffered at the hands of the Huguenots. During the Great French Revolution, the church was turned into stables, while the monastery was used as a military hospital.

So far, survived only one of the gates of the monastery, built in the XIII century, part of the fortress walls, towers and several smaller buildings. The remains of the monastery located in the park of St. Radegondy, one of the biggest in the Tour.

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Abbey of Marmoutier
Basilica of St. Martin of Tours
Castle of Plessis-les-Tours
Cathedrale Saint-Gatien
Museum of Fine Arts in the Episcopal palace
Touraine Wine Museum and the Museum of the guilds in the Abbey of Saint-Julien