Puerta del Sol
   Photo: Gate Puerta del Sol

Puerta del Sol, or Sun Gate, located in Toledo and is one of the ancient gates, through which provides access to the city. The gate was built in the 14th century by the Knights Hospitaller.

Puerta del Sol are in the Moorish style and are a massive structure of stone, carried out at the time a defensive function. Gate consists of two majestic towers, between which is the entrance, in the form of horseshoe arches. Sami massive tower crowned teeth, one of the towers has a square shape, and the other is circular in cross-section. Within the walls of the towers are arranged window openings as well as openings for loopholes. The lancet arch entrance arch span to keep the original Arabic brickwork.

In the central part of the facade of the buildings is the original bas-relief, which depicts two female figures holding a tray with a human head. Also, the gate Puerta del Sol is decorated with a round marble panel, located above the entrance. The shield is enclosed in a triangle sculpture, which depicts a scene of life respected citizens of Toledo St. Ildefonso, Visigothic archbishop, who defended the Virgin Mary. Above is an image of the composition of the sun and moon. Under one version that's why the gate got its name - the Gate of the Sun. The front part of the gate is decorated with original frieze. Inside the building is kept relic - an ancient early Christian sarcophagus, dating from the 4th century.

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