Gate of the Sun
   Photo: Gate of the Sun

Gate of the Sun, is perhaps one of the most famous monument of the archaeological complex Tiwanaku .  They are located near Lake Titicaca in La Paz .  There used to be a seaport and among his remains well preserved ruins of a giant stone structures, among which are the Gate of the Sun .  Their height is 3 meters, width 4 meters .  They are created from a single piece of stone with a relief image .  At the top of the gate, placed above the opening completely mythical creature that combines features of a person, snakes, condors and cats .  On the side of being placed 48 "man-Condor" .  Their faces are turned towards the center .  The entire surface is covered with bizarre characters Gates .  In 1949, researchers deciphered the inscriptions, which were very precise astronomical calendar .  What is surprising is that in this calendar year consists of 290 days .  This ten months, which for 24 days and two months and 25 days .  Scientists suggest that the Gates of the Sun written by an unearthly civilization Calendar .  Not far from the Gate of the Sun have the same Moon Gate .  They are not much different, only a few details in the inscriptions and images .  Previously, the monuments were covered with gold leaf, as evidenced by preserved gold carnations on the gate .

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