Tiwanaku - This archaeological complex 70 km from the city of La Paz . The mysterious ruins of the first in the 19th century began to study the famous scientist Arthur Poznan . This exciting venture he devoted fifty years of his life . Many books, he devoted all his life work, and everyone is trying to unravel the mystery of the mysterious ruins . Their origin and destination . He believed that the birth of the complex took place in the 15th century BC . e . Thanks to the ancestors of the Aymara . However, recent studies have refuted this information and set the date of flowering of culture in Tiwanaku - 3-10 century AD . The ancient city was built on the southern shore of Lake Titicaca, and was surrounded by a strong defense - a huge artificial moat, thick walls . Behind all this live, I develop and prosper big city with the military and administrative buildings, residential complexes, quarters of artisans, a plurality of channels and reservoirs and storage of food stocks . Here, in the city of amazing architecture, where all the buildings were extremely geometric accuracy of the Tiwanaku culture originated and that the Incas revered . Until modern times came only myths and legends about the fate of this mysterious civilization, and the ruins of machines that had previously been a cultural center with a strong ceremonial and astronomical value . Ancient architects, first of all, tried to show through their structure diagram move the soul from life to death, that is, . n . the process of reincarnation . And also quite advanced understanding of the model of the world .
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