Picture Gallery. Ivan Aivazovsky
   Photo: Picture Gallery. Ivan Aivazovsky

The best and the world's largest collection of graphic and fine art seascape painter IK Ayvozovskogo and followers of his case - the students, as well as some close to him in the spirit of creativity Western European and Russian painters - is in the National Gallery of them. IK Ayvozovskogo. The gallery exhibits a lot of works of art. Their number reaches 4 thousand.

The great artist was born 17.07. (29) 1817 in the beautiful city of Feodosia. In 1844, the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, he was awarded the title of academician great. In total, over a lifetime, it was created about six thousand different works of art.

The house where the museum is located, was finally built in 1848 in the style of an Italian villa. The decoration of the house were various sculptures of Greek gods. This home was built in 1880 an exhibition hall. Its area is 260 square meters. And in the same year he opened an art gallery.

The artist has lived quite a long life and died in Feodosia 18.04. (2.05.) In 1900. Dying, he bequeathed to the city gallery. He was buried with full military honors. His grave is in the churchyard is very ancient and beautiful Armenian church.

In 1930, a monument was unveiled IK Ayvozovskomu created before the 1917 revolution, a famous sculptor M. Ginsburg on the funds collected by the people. The monument, which still stands at the entrance to the art gallery, the inscription of the residents, "Theodosius - Aivazovsky." Gallery in 1922, declared a state museum. At the opening of the museum there were exhibited only paintings that great artist in his will left his native city. Gradually, year after year, a collection of paintings expanded.

In the gallery Aivazovsky it passes in front of us the whole life and work of the great marine painter. Here, many of us are familiar with the history of the gallery, and you can see portraits of Aivazovsky and his family. The gallery contains kinds of Theodosius, as it was at the end of 18-19 centuries, and posted photos and documents. The exhibition hall is the main part of the exposition, which presents the work of Ivan Aivazovsky, starting with the works, when he was a student, and ending with his last work. The paintings can be seen in his workshop, office and living room. In the gallery there are paintings by 417 artists. Here you can find paintings of his students, as well as close to him on the creativity and the spirit of the artists paintings.

The gallery presents works by artists who worked in Soviet times. It contains more than 500 pieces of works M.Latri - Aivazovsky grandson. You can also see works by Surikov, A.Fesslera, A.Ganzena, L.Lagorio, A. Kuindzhi, E.Magdesyana, Voloshin, K.Bogaevskogo and others.

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