Island of Sant'Antioco
   Photo: The Island of Sant'Antioco

Sant Antioco - the name of the island and the small town located in the southwest of Sardinia in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias. The population of the town is about 12 thousand people, making it the largest in Sant Antioco.

The island of Sant Antioco area of ​​109 is the fourth largest in Italy after Sicily, Sardinia and Elba. It is located 87 km from Cagliari, which is connected to the highway SS126 and modern bridge. The island has two municipalities - San Antioco and Kalasetta. Among other small settlements can be called a tourist resort and Maladroksiya Kussordzhiyu.

The island was inhabited in the 5th millennium BC - There lived representatives of culture ozieri culture, which mainly engaged in fishing and agriculture. From those times to have survived characteristic stone tombs "Domus de Janas", menhirs and, of course, Nuraghe - Su Su Niu de Krobia, which can be translated as "crow's nest".

City Sant Antioco was founded in the 8th century BC Phoenicians - then it was called the Salk. From his children survived the necropolis. Later in the 6th century BC, it became a colony of Carthage, from which also remained a necropolis. At the end of the 2nd century BC the city took possession of the Romans, who combined it with Sardinia with an artificial isthmus. In those days it was called Plyumbariya.

The current name of the island and the city comes from the name of St. Antiochus, the preacher of Christianity, which took here a martyr's death in the year 125. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire became a fortified Sant Antioco post Byzantines. Then, starting from the 8th century, he has regularly been subjected to attacks of the Saracens, which forced residents to leave these areas and move inland. The new settlement was founded only in the middle of the 10th century judicata Cagliari (a type of hereditary fief), but soon it was also abandoned. From the 14th century the island was part of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and later, in 1503, it was acquired by the archbishopric of Cagliari, and finally, in 1758 became the property of the religious Order of St. Maurizio and Lazarus. At that time there lived about 450 people.

Today, Sant Antioco - is popular among the inhabitants of Cagliari vacation spot that is crowded on the weekends. Tourists also call in here to explore the ancient monuments: the early Christian basilica of Sant Antioco, reconstructed in 1089-1102 years, the Roman Bridge, the ancient acropolis, the Phoenician and Carthaginian cemeteries. Interesting may be a visit to the Archaeological Museum Ferruccio Barrek, Museum of fine linen, and Fort Su Pisa 19th century.

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