The city walls Taroudant
   Photo: The fortress walls Taroudant

Taroudant city walls - one of the main attractions of this small Moroccan town, located in the heart of the Souss valley and is the ancient capital of Saadinskoy. These surrounded by picturesque mountains majestic walls that carry the entire history of Morocco, and today is of great interest for lovers of antiquities.

Located at the crossroads of caravan routes in the Sahara desert town of Taroudant it has long been the subject of opposition neighboring tribes and states. Since 1056 the town was in possession of a powerful family of the Almoravids. Prior to the XVI century. Taroudant was a small provincial village, not yet passed into the possession of the dynasty Saadians. The city began to gradually grow and become one of the main points on the country's trade in rice, sugar cane and cotton, especially needed for life in the desert. In 1528, the first sultan of Morocco, Mohammed al-Sheikh told to build a grand mosque and the town is surrounded by thick walls.

Most of the city's fortifications, created from mud-brick material and adorned with square towers, has been preserved to our time. The city walls, which stretch over a distance of 5 km, reach a height of 7 m. The exit from the city was carried out in five city gates, the most important and magnificent of which - Bab El-Kasba.

The main feature of Taroudant is that virtually all of its municipal buildings are still inside the walls. This town with beautiful clay houses, orange and pomegranate trees, Moroccan bazaars surrounded by ancient battlements of the fortress walls, amid the picturesque mountains create the necessary conditions for a wonderful holiday.

Especially beautiful fortifications Taroudant look at sunset, shimmering shades of red and yellow flowers. Just outside the city walls is a lovely alley where grow palm, orange and olive trees.

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