Oseksky Monastery
   Photo: Oseksky Monastery

In the vicinity of the town of Osiek is holy abode - Oseksky monastery, which has more than 800 years. It was founded in 1206 the monks of the Cistercian order, to carry the word of God and the common people to talk about the benefits of an ascetic lifestyle, speaking at the same time an example to follow.

Although the Cistercian brothers lived almost in poverty, called the Order of the poor was not. Osekskomu monastery belonged to the fertile land near the monastery, as well as all the villages and towns that they are. The monastery grew rich, rebuilt several times, increasing the number of monks.

Soon Osekskaya abode acquire more political influence and patronage receives high personages: the Czech king and the pope.

But not all so smoothly in the history of the monastery Osekskogo. Its share fell and the hard tests. During the Hussite wars, he burned a few times, in 1640 suffered from the actions of the Swedish troops, who showed particular cruelty, plundering all the local villages and killing adults. XX century, too, has not brought peace Osekskuyu abode. It almost wiped out by the Nazis. It was abandoned for a long time. But believers do not lose hope that one day the monastery once again open its doors to pilgrims, as it has happened many times before. On the holy place are not forgotten, they came to worship monastery stones.

Cistercian monks returned to the shelter of his monastery in 1992. And along with them and revived the former glory of the monastery. Now Oseksky monastery - this is one of the most interesting places of Bohemia, which you must visit during your stay.

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