Sonderborg Castle
   Photo: Castle of Sønderborg

In southern Denmark, on a small island near Jutland, in the town of Sønderborg Castle Sønderborg. The founder of the castle in 1158 was King Valdemar the Great, the great-grandson of the Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomakh. Among the famous castles of Denmark that occupies a special place. Impregnable Fortress Sonderborg differs significantly from the beautiful residences of kings. The main strategic purpose of the castle - the protection of the Baltic coast from the raids of Slavic tribes Wends.

In the XIV century the castle was significantly expanded, there were massive walls, was completed Blue Tower. In 1490, the fortress became the property of King Hans. King Hans and his son Christian II made every effort to build the most powerful and impregnable fortress in the country. In 1523, Christian II was dethroned and 17 years spent in custody in the Blue Tower, but in terms befitting a royal person.

With the years 1549-1557 the famous architect Hercules von Oberberg made a reconstruction of the fortress, and will finish the three wings of the Renaissance. The same architect in 1568 a chapel was built in the castle Sønderborg for exiled Queen Dorothea. From 1718-1726 years by order of King Frederick IV of the castle was rebuilt in Baroque style by renowned architect Wilhelm von Platenom. In 1755, Blue Tower was demolished.

From 1921 to our time in Sonderborg Castle is a museum, which presents a variety of exhibits ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day. Particular attention of tourists attracted to the exhibition devoted to the wars of the XIX century, the First and Second World War. Also in the castle is presented for inspection exhibition of paintings by the masters of Jutland.

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