National Park Ishkёl
   Photo: National Park Ishkёl

Ishkёl National Park - Nature Reserve, located 25 km south of Bizerte. It is situated close to densely populated areas in the north of Tunisia. Since in these places runs the main seating area and nesting of migratory birds and waterfowl - the protection of lakes is required.

For the first time the park Ishkёl treatises mentioned in the XIII century. Even then, the dynasty Hafsids banned hunting on the lake. Protected status in the modern sense, reserve Ishkёl acquired in 1891. In 1977, the Global Fund announced Ishkёl UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The current boundaries of the park were identified December 18, 1980 decree of the President of Tunisia. This date is considered the official creation of the reserve.

The park is located a large lake area of ​​50 square meters. km, as well as hills and limestone mountains up to 510 meters, covered with pistachio and olive trees, junipers. On these mountains and ever settle migratory birds are found here (180 species) - swans, ducks and flamingos, including the very rare, for example, Marbled Teal.

The lake is connected with the Mediterranean Sea through several artificial canals, which is why up to 2006 in the summer, in the pond greatly increased salt levels that threaten many species of animals and plants that serve as food for birds, but this problem is eliminated. The animals in the forests of the park are found wild boar, water buffalo grazing on the plain, in the shallow waters live otters and turtles.

Ishkёl - The last lake that remained of the system of lakes in North Africa.

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National Park Ishkёl