Museum "The submarine K-21"
   Photo: Museum "The submarine K-21"

In December 1937, the boat was laid in Leningrad in 1939 August 16 launched. In the Northern Fleet credited September 17, 1941. In the first war patrol in the Strait barrage set Best-Sung, consisting of 11 minutes, and the morning of 11 November 1941 this place was blown up and sank the Norwegian transport called «Bessheim».

This ship has a glorious history. The area of ​​the island Ingey in July, or rather the number 5, 1942 "K-21" found a squadron of German warships and attack the enemy. In consequence chetyrehtorpednogo salvo enemy battleship "Tirpitz" I was seriously damaged and had to return to base in Norway.

Total war "K-21" was sunk 17 German transports and warships, made twelve military campaigns and implemented six minefields.

In Severomorsk, probably not meet a man who would not know the main attraction, which symbolizes the history and destiny of the city sailors. Nearly three decades on the eternal post is legendary boat - Krasnoznamennaya K-21, which is a branch of the Museum of the Northern Fleet. The submarine is in the area of ​​Courage. 70 years ago a boat was solemnly hoisted the naval flag, and since then, the submarine keeps watch in the Arctic.

Today in the compartments of the submarine located exhibition that describe the actions of the Second World War and the formation of submarine forces in the North after the war. Personal belongings, photographs, awards and documents submitted submarine that time better than any historian will tell of the heroism of the people in the time leading boat in this fight.

However, the main thing - it is the submarine itself. In the four compartments of savings combat situation - here you can literally touch history: batten down the focusing ring, look through the periscope - feel like a true submariner.

During the war years "K-21" under the command of Nikolai Lunin, Arkady Zhukov and Zaymara Arvanova made 12 military campaigns. The crew of the submarine scored 17 victories.
For exemplary performance of combat missions, with the heroism and courage of the crew of "K-21" in 1942 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In general, during wartime submarine submarine 102 were awarded military orders and 35 medals.

In the fifties of the last century, the ship served as a training simulator for the Mariners, model the skills of damage control. Here, as it existed prior to the time when the military council of the Northern Fleet signed a resolution - to turn the submarine into a memorial complex commemorating the memory of the valor and heroism of military divers in the difficult war years. "K-21", affectionately nicknamed by the sailors "Katyusha", has found a permanent place on the parking lot adjacent to the moorings other warships in 1983, the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the Northern Fleet.

In celebration of the 70th anniversary to pay tribute to the heroism of the submarine sailors came representatives of the Administration of the Murmansk region, pupils of cadet classes, soldiers. The meeting took place. We held a solemn march seamen and cadets of Courage Square, symbolizing the continuity of generations. To the body of the legendary boats were laid wreaths and flowers. It has been a holiday, but the submarine remained on the historical watch.

In the period from 2008 - 2009 year was renovated museum has also been updated exposure. The exhibition of the museum is constantly updated, giving visitors the opportunity to visit the building, to get acquainted with the traditions of the ship and the Northern Fleet. Today submarine performs an equally important mission - the military-patriotic upbringing of the younger generation.

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