Museum of the Air Force of the Northern Fleet
   Photo: Museum of the Air Force of the Northern Fleet

Date of opening of the Museum of the Air Force of the Northern Fleet - Aug. 20, 1976. This year marks the 40th anniversary since the establishment of the first association of aviation of the Northern Fleet in the village Safonovo (old name - Dirty Guba). At the site of the museum previously it was the first airfield for seaplanes.

Shortly before the anniversary of the political department of the Air Force of the Northern Fleet initiative was launched on the construction of the museum. Aviators-Severomorsk personally took part in the construction of the Museum of the Air Force SF. Registration takes as local residents, soldiers and airmen veterany-.

Construction was carried out in a very short time. In less than a year on the site of an old warehouse reconnaissance flight regiment has grown a new building. Warehouse building was partially reconstructed for the museum. Not without the help of sponsors, in particular - the Kama Automobile Plant. They took an active part in the project and contributed construction materials for the construction of the premises. Design of the building was entrusted to "Murmangrazhdanproektu", in particular to his staff - L. Egorov and LD Popov.

The museum's collection is located in three halls .  In the first room you can see the exhibits of war, in the second there are documentary evidence of the fallen airmen in the third - all materials related to the period of the postwar period .  The museum also provides all the information about the history of aviation of the Northern Fleet, which was formed in 1936 .  In addition, in the museum are personal belongings of pilots, veterans of the Northern Fleet .  Among them - 53 pilot, awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union .  Perhaps many immediately recall the name of the legendary commander of an aviation regiment B . F . Safonov .  He was twice awarded the title .  Among our contemporaries six naval aviators were awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation .  Also in the museum are photographs, sculptures and paintings by famous authors - frontline photojournalist E .  A .  Chaldeans, People's Artist of the USSR A .  E .  Kerbel, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation E .  AND .  Kitaychuka, the artist .  M .  Vovk . 

Hangar Museum keeps planes and helicopters during the Second World War and the postwar period, the production of the Soviet Union, Germany, Britain, the United States. Many of them have suffered during the war, but his hands were restored North Sea pilots. There are also other equipment such as vehicles for maintenance of aircraft and airfields, radio-controlled target-cab simulator. Unfortunately, some types of aircraft were lost forever due to the collapse of the roof of an old hangar. It happened at the end of the last century.

At the end of 2008 there was a transformation of the museum, with the result that it became the military-historical and exhibition department at Safonovo House of officers of the Northern Fleet naval aviation.

Notable is the fact that during the filming of "torpedo" (feature film, filmed at the studio "Lenfilm" in 1983) was used aircraft equipment from the collection of this museum is.

The first director of the museum VVS SF was Lyudmila A. Sorokin. Since 1977 she worked as a tour guide at the museum, and then was appointed its head. Being a historian by training, in this position, she has found a good use of their knowledge and worked as director until 1985, before moving to Moscow. During this short period of time she was able to turn the museum into a large complex consisting of a museum of aviation of the Northern Fleet, the house-museum of Yuri Gagarin, the hangar, which was a collection of military aircraft and the postwar period. In addition, we can say that was the center of the museum of local history and military-patriotic work throughout the Murmansk region on the Kola Peninsula. Today, the museum manages Sobakar D. Eugene.

Each year the museum come tens of thousands of visitors.

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