George Monastery
   Photo: George Monastery

On a cliff near the Black Sea, located St. George Monastery. The area of ​​the monastery is amazingly beautiful: it combines the beauty of the sea and amazing mountain ranges. Many of the tourists who visited here once, come back again to get a charge of special energy, admire the unique beauty of nature.

Ancient legends tell us about the Greek seafarers who were caught by 891 a terrible storm at Cape Fiolent. Furious waves carried them violently frothing huge rocks. The frightened seamen, feeling his death, began to pray to St. George. As the old legend, the saint heard their prayers, appeared on the island off the coast, and carousing storm immediately subsided.

Suddenly the saved Greeks went to the island. There they had the eyes marvelous icon of St. George. They transferred the icon to the shore and founded a monastery in honor of St. George, in gratitude for their salvation. This icon was in the monastery until 1779. At the invitation of the Russian government, Metropolitan Ignatius went to Mariupol in the same year, having moved from the Crimea, together with the Greeks, and taken away with a miraculous icon. He set it in the church of St. Harlampios. At present, the icon of St. George, which was attained on a cliff, is located in Kiev, the State Museum of Fine Arts of Ukraine.

The church, located in a cave not far from the Cape Fiolent, turned into a monastery, named St. George. For centuries, the monastery was in direct proportion to the Patriarch of Constantinople. In 1794, it was subordinated to the Holy Synod. After that, the monastery was named Balaklava George Monastery. After a few years in March 1803, this monastery is considered a basic for naval priests. During the Great Patriotic War completely in ruins fraternal housing, hotel, cells, refectory and many other buildings.

Revives the monastery began in 1991 during the celebration of the anniversary of foundation of the monastery. He blessed the monastery Bishop Basil. On St George's Cross rock instead of lost, hoisted a new seven-meter cross. It is made of metal and weighs 1400 kg. Consecration he received in the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and helicopters delivered to the rock, where he installed in its place.

So far, in the territory of the monastery, work continues on its recovery. Already shine beautiful new dome, work and life of the monastery cells. The monastery began to cooperate with the fleet. Tradition revived again.

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