Tantallon Castle
   Photo: Tantallon Castle

Tantallon Castle was built in the XIV century and is located 5 kilometers from North Berwick, East Lothian council area, Scotland. The castle is located on a promontory and surrounded on three sides by the sea and only from the south-west side is surrounded by a fortified wall made of red sandstone. The wall is 15 meters in height, 3 to 6 meters - in thickness and 90 meters - in length.

Northwestern tower bears the name of Douglas and destroyed the west side. In this seven-story tower placed private quarters of the Lord, and on the lowest floor of a prison, the floor above - toilets. East Tower consists of five floors, but after the 1528 siege of the lower three floors were converted into two large. At the same time, large slits were added. The central tower, located above the porter's lodge, consists of four floors and is 24 meters in height. The tower once occupied living rooms, equipped with a fireplace, but no flooring or interior walls have not survived. In the XIV century it was completed defensive inner gate, but partially preserved to this day, despite the siege of 1528.

Key areas of the castle, including the main hall and courtyard, located in the north. Rooms in the east have been destroyed by the sea, but we know that there are also living rooms, as well as a bakery. On the eastern side was still low inner wall, which is preserved only by underground passage to the sea, and in the XIX century, there was found a well. The castle was surrounded by two Length of ditches, behind the ramparts were found traces of a third smaller moat and the remains of the XVII century dovecote.

The first owner of the castle of Tantallon is presumed William Douglas, a nephew of one of the associates of Robert the Bruce. The first written mention of the castle belongs to 1374, and the castle was built around 1350. William O. Douglas, who became Earl in 1358, lived here with his mistress, Margaret Stewart, Countess of Angus. After his death in 1389 the castle was ceded to their illegitimate son of George Douglas, Earl Angus, which caused a split in the Clan Douglas. He became head of the family Archibald Douglas, whose descendants were called Nigra Douglas, while the descendants of George, who took just Tantallon Castle, were called red Douglas. Black Douglas, who spoke against the Scottish crown, were defeated in May 1455 at the Battle of Arkingolme.

In 1490, Archibald, 5th Earl of Angus, conspired with the king of England, Henry VII, and October 11, 1491 the castle was besieged by the King of Scotland, James IV. However, Archibald decided to surrender, and the lock was not damaged. In 1525, Archibald, 6th Earl of Angus, with the support of King Henry VIII of England captured the young King James V of Scotland and declared himself ruler with him. However, in 1528 the 16-year-old King James fled, Archibald proclaimed a traitor and besieged Tantallon Castle on October 23 of the same year. Castle podvёrgsya a twenty cannon fire, but survived. The siege was lifted, but the castle is still not coming supply of food and weapons, so in May 1529, the castle was handed over. He was royal property until the death of James V in 1542.

The second half of the XVI century Castle Tantallon formally belonged to Count Angus, passed from hand to hand behind the conflict between England and Scotland. In 1557 the castle was captured by the army of the Queen regent Mary of Guise, in 1566, the castle was visited by Queen Mary Stuart, and from 1588 counts Angus left the castle.

During the Bishops' Wars Castle Tantallon podvёrgsya siege again in 1639, as its owners have remained faithful to Catholicism. In 1651, during the English Revolution podvёrgsya castle siege by the forces of Oliver Cromwell and was commissioned. After the siege of the castle was so in poor condition, to live in it it was no longer possible. The first restoration works were carried out only at the end of the XIX century.

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