Dunbar Castle
   Photo: Castle of Dunbar

Dunbar Castle is the ruins of one of the most powerful of the Scottish castles. The castle stands above the modern port city of Dunbar, East Lothian council area. In this area, lived an ancient Celtic tribe votadinov, founded at the end of V century Gododin his kingdom. Needless geographical name "Dunbar" refers to the Breton language. In the VII century, when the territory of modern south-east Scotland and north-east of England was formed Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Bernicia, Dunbar Castle has already been built and served as an important strategic point.

During the early Middle Ages the castle belonged Dunbar vassal of the King of Northumbria. The 678 year in prison of the castle kept St. Wilfrid, Archbishop of York, the exiled king of Northumbria Egfritom. In the IX century, the castle was burned by the king of Scotland Kenneth I.
  The first stone of the present building of the castle was laid one of the last Earl of Northumbria Gospatrikom about 1070. After the Norman Conquest Gospatriku had to flee from England, and he found refuge with the King of Scotland Malcolm III, granted him land in Mercia and Dunbar Castle.

The castle belonged to the Counts Dunbar several centuries, until in 1457 he had not been destroyed to prevent its capture by the British. At the beginning of the XVI century it was rebuilt by King James IV of Scotland and handed over to the Duke of Albany. At the same time the western bastion was completed. In 1548 the castle was burned by the Earl of Shrewsbury, but quickly restored in the 60s of the XVI century during the Anglo-Scottish Wars in it kept the French garrison. At the end of 1567 after the defeat in the Battle of Hill Carbury by the decision of the Scottish Parliament Dunbar Castle it was destroyed.

Octagonal-shaped castle is made of red stone and is situated on a cliff 22 meters in height. You can see five loopholes the size of 122 x 30 cm. Preserved part of the walls, as well as leading to the main gate of the castle, decorated with the coats of arms of the XIV century, including coat of arms of George, 10th Earl of Dunbar and 3rd Earl of March. On the triangular emblem crowned helmet and is bordered by eight roses depicted gets up on his hind legs lion. To the right of this coat of arms coats of arms Clan Bruce, and the left - the arms of the Isle of Man.

Some towers are built so low that go to the edge of the sea. To the north-east of the castle is a huge cave, previously forming part of the prison, which in 1515 was held for the famous Scottish poet Gavin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. It also was discovered a secret passage to the bay and maybe that's because the castle was able to get supplies to Sir Alexander Ramsay during the siege of 1338. It is believed that the premises in the north-western part of the castle belonged to Queen Mary Stuart.

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