Tsarev mound
   Photo: Tsarev mound

On the left bank of the Volga River, near the village of the Volga (formerly Tsarevschina), it is one of the most interesting sights of the Samara region - Tsarev mound. Picturesque place where the river flows into the Volga juice, covered with a variety of stories and legends. Behind the village is spread Tsarevschinsky boron.

One popular legend states that in 1391 stayed at the top of the mound to celebrate the victory over Tokhtamysh Tamerlane himself. Another legend claims that sailing on the Volga in 1722, Peter I stopped at the mound, he built a wooden cross with his hands and set it on top. Also, in the traditions of the ancient mound written such historical figures as Stepan Razin (the treasure), Khan Mammon (buried under the mound) and Catherine II, who visited at the top of the mound in 1768, accompanied by Grigory Orlov.

Geological research has shown that Tsarev mound was formed in the Carboniferous seas more than 300 million years ago and was once the bottom of the sea. In the early twentieth century, the height of the dome mound reaches more than 105 meters, but since 1875, the development on the mountain were first stone for the construction of the railway bridge, and later for the construction of the Volga hydroelectric station. At the end of the twentieth century and the development stopped at the highest point of the mound was set penitential cross. At the cross of fifteen decided to ask for forgiveness for the destruction of the historical memorial place for the desecration of the Orthodox church, and for the innocent victims of repression.

At the foot of the mound is recreated Tsaryova Nativity Church. About two mound springs installed chapel and swimming pool.

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