   Photo: Werfen

Shipyards - town in Austria, located in the region of Pongau in the valley of the Salzach River, about 40 kilometers south of Salzburg. Werfen is located in the center of the valley, surrounded by mountain ranges.

The settlement appeared to the south of the fortress Hohenwerfen, which was built in 1075 on the orders of the Archbishop of Salzburg Salzburg Gebhard to protect the land. In 1278 the archbishopric of Salzburg received the status of a sovereign principality of the Holy Roman Empire, becoming, in effect, an independent state.

In 1524 Germany began the peasant war, which greatly affected the land Salzburg. The peasants stormed and looted, laid siege to the shipyard in 1525 almost completely destroyed the castle Hohenwerfen. Next on their way to lay the Hohensalzburg Castle, which the peasants could not destroy. The revolt was stopped, all the peasants surrendered to Prince von Mattoysu Vellenburgu which forced them to restore the ruined castle of Hohenwerfen. Today the castle is one of the major tourist attractions of the shipyard.

Another important attraction Werfen - Eisriesenwelt ice cave, which is considered one of the largest in the world. The length of the cave is 42 kilometers, is located close to the castle Hohenwerfen. Each year, this unique natural feature Werfen visit more than 200,000 tourists from all over the world.

In the Werfen there are a few interesting churches - Baroque parish church of St. James, 17th century Capuchin Church of Mariahilf, built in the 18th century.

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