The house-museum of academician AA Ukhtomskogo
   Photo: House-Museum of Academician AA Ukhtomskogo

One of the branches of the Rybinsk artistic, historical and architectural museum-reserve is a memorial house-museum of the famous academician AA Ukhtomskogo. The museum was opened in the autumn of 1990 in the mansion, located on a pre-existing Vygonnaya street Rybinsk, because in this place have been not only childhood and adolescence but brilliant scientist.

Back in the 1950s the idea of ​​the museum as well as at this time in the museum-reserve were sent materials relating to the talented student academic Ukhtomskogo from his students: A. Mackiewicz, as well as an old friend of the family Ukhtomsky - Berezin AT. Over time, the existing collection considerably enlarged the most interesting and relevant exhibits, as well as inputs from Makarova GG, was in friendly correspondence with Alexei Ukhtomskiy. A lot of the necessary information has been received from subsidiaries Berezin AV - Kharchenko GG, from a relative academician - Melentyeva VV and his students Balakshina VL and Nekrylova FP

Particularly significant contribution to the foundation of the museum staff brought Research Institute named after Academician physiological Ukhtomskogo in force at the St. Petersburg University, led by Professor AS Batueva - Scientific consultant of the museum. Much work had another researcher Sokolov LV The work also involved: workers Rybinsk artistic, historical and architectural museum-reserve, propagandists authentic heritage of academician: Varushchenko LR, Suslov, NV, Marasinova LM, SM Badaev and city enthusiasts .

In the matter of reconstruction and restoration of the house-museum of academician Ukhtomskogo involved a small group of enthusiasts, which included: VA Kuznetsova, S. Matyuhinsky other.

The exposition of the museum gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of an ancient and noble family princes Ukhtomsky, as well as an outstanding and talented representative of the Russian Physiology - an academician of the USSR AA Ukhtomskiy (1875-1942).

In the museum you can see the most significant scientific work in which there is a place reflection religious and social beliefs of the great scientist. Considerable attention is given to the teaching of the dominant, which anticipates the long-awaited opening of humanistic psychology.

One of the existing exhibition halls devoted to the recollections of Alexei, which fully recreated interior of the living room and the other room is a study in which scientists work at the Scientific Research Institute in Leningrad. The most interesting is a large collection of books, collected from the personal library Ukhtomskogo, because more and more represented in manuscript volumes, written by scientists on set forth in these views, interests and ideas.

The museum features photographs, which have the opportunity to see the physiological laboratory in which once worked Ukhtomsky in St. Petersburg - the picture refers to 1909. There are photos, where the scientist is embodied in the family with his sister Elizabeth and her husband A. Pereslavtseva. Especially notable is the picture where Alexey is in his house in Rybinsk, and is working on the creation of the master's thesis, written in 1910.

House-Museum became recognized and respected not only residents, but also by numerous visiting tourists. Throughout its existence, it has become a scientific and methodological center, relating to not only the development but also the implementation of social and moral ideas Ukhtomskogo Alexei curricular institutions Rybinsk.

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