Palazzo Torlonia
   Photo: Palazzo Torlonia

Palazzo Torlonia, also known as Palazzo Giraud Giraud-Torlonia or Kastellezi - a mansion of the early Renaissance (16th century) in Via della Konchilatsone in Rome. Its construction began in 1496 on the orders of Cardinal Adriano da Corneto Kastellezi architect was Andrea Brenna (It is also believed that the project involved Bramante).

For the sample in the construction of the palace was taken by the Papal Chancery building - Palazzo della Cancelleria, one of the first renaissance palazzo in Rome, built a few years earlier. In 1504, a couple of years to complete the construction of the Palazzo Torlonia, its owner, Cardinal da Cornet, lost favor with the Pope, gave the building of King Henry VII. Subsequently, the Palazzo became the property Kampedzho Lorenzo, who lived there from 1519 to 1524 years. After the Church of England separated from the Roman Catholic, the building remained in the possession of the family Kampedzho until 1609. Then he bought the Borghese family, and in the 18th century, it attracted a family of bankers from France by the name Giraud - hence one of the names of the Palazzo. Only in 1820 he bought the Palazzo one of the Torlonia family, whose name it bears to this day, along with the family coat of arms above the main entrance.

Today the Palazzo Torlonia facade facing toward the wide boulevard of Via della Konchilatsone, however, was not always so - but in the 20th century the street was significantly modified when trying to create an impressive approach to St. Peter's Basilica. Originally, the house occupies the northern part of the small Piazza Skossakavalli (only Palazzo Torlonia and the Palazzo dei Penitentseri preserved from those times). When extending the Via della Konchilatsone was demolished many historic buildings, including the Palazzo del Governatore and the church of San Giacomo and Skossakavalli. Some other buildings lost their original facades, which were built to replace today.

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