Mount Mashuk
   Photo: Mount Mashuk

Mount Mashuk in Pyatigorsk is a symbol and main attraction of the city.

Like the rest of sixteen hot-laccoliths region KMV, Mashuk was formed by volcanic activity, resulting in uplift through the thickness of the sediments of the cooling lava. In addition, the formation of the mountain participated and mineral water sources that originate in its depths. The water comes to the surface, under the influence of the sun is completely evaporated, leaving only salt that permeated all the leaves and grass, turning them over time in hard rock.

The people there are several legends about the name of the mountain. One of them says that the mountain was named after the girl Mashuk, crying about the groom Tau, killed old Elbrus. According to another version, the name of the mountain was Kabardinian words "mung bean" - millet, and "ko" - the valley, as the majority of the inhabitants of this region engaged in agriculture.

Mashuk Mountain is often referred to as "the giver of healing waters," and it's not just. On its small territory it was found five types of mineral water sources.

On Mashuk were discovered archaeological sites from different ages, ranging from the 4th century BC. e. to the present. The main attractions of the mountains: natural well-cave Pyatigorsk failure from an underground lake, rock portrait of VI Lenin monument on the spot where he was killed in a duel MU Lermontov, the old cemetery, the necropolis, the Temple of the St. Lawrence, a military memorial cemetery. In 1901, on the Mount established a sculpture of an eagle, which holds in its powerful claws snake.

On top of the mountain are the most noticeable landmark Mashuk - television tower, built in 1958, and a commemorative obelisk in honor of a military topographer AV Pastukhov. In 1971 there was open speed lift.

Mount Mashuk - a fascinating mountain region, which offers a magnificent panorama of the city of Pyatigorsk and its environs.

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