Vorkuta State Drama Theatre
   Photo: Vorkuta State Drama Theatre

State Drama Theatre of the city of Vorkuta was created in 1943. The theater has a unique history of its development, because it was created in the camp intended for political prisoners during the Second World War, the year before, when the city became known as Vorkuta. Earlier Vorkuta was only a village, much of which were prisoners and convicts. It was in this place at the end of 1930 was the construction of one of the largest camps of the Gulag called 'Vorkutlag. "

Among the camp prisoners were quite a large number of professional musicians, singers, actors, writers and artists. One of the men was respected Mordvinians Boris Abramovich - Honored Artist of the Republic of Komi, and also a former chief director of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and professor at the Moscow Conservatory. Mordvinians was the producer of the famous opera "The life of the king" or better known as "Ivan Susanin". Initially, this man, like all other prisoners belonging to the creative and scientific workers who worked as the loader at the marina, fine work in a large warehouse and orderly.

Soon, the largest part of professional theater actors motivated him to create a unique theater camp. It is known that at that time the Great Patriotic War began, so all the forces were sent to the front, because then create their own theater has gone by the wayside. Yet interest in the venture proved themselves civilian and family guards - so the idea of ​​creating a theater came to life again, because he Vorkutstroya Head - Mikhail Maltsev Mitrofanovich - personally distinguished himself in the formation of professional musical theater of drama. As soon as the permission to create the theater was given, he immediately began work on the implementation. As a place for rehearsals and performances has been selected a local club or the House of culture of miners.

October 1, 1943 the long-awaited opening of the theater by staging Vorkuta operetta called "Silva" the author Imre Kalman. In the future, the operetta "experienced" more than a hundred productions than ever left a mark in the life of the theater. Created theater was a second life for the prisoners, because even in detention creative people are able to express themselves, which brought a lot of joy appreciative audience. Drama was unique, because the scene came together not only the prisoners but also their guards.

With regard to the first productions, among them are the following: the operetta "The Circus Princess" and "Maritza", the opera "Faust", "The Barber of Seville", "Eugene Onegin", the tragedy of "Mary Stuart" Schiller F., Ostrovsky's play A .: "Forest", "Bride", "A Profitable Post", "Guilty Without Guilt" and many other famous works.

The pioneers of theater artists began: Rutkovskaya K., E. Mikhailova, NI Glebov, Seplyarskaya AJ, as well as a bass singer Dejneka B. - Union Radio soloist, baritone Rutkowski TI - Soloist of the Kirov Theatre. Among the professional actors worth mentioning Boris Kozin, Valeria Golovin, V. Ishchenko, an accompanist parking AK, choreographer Dubin-Belov AM, choreographer Zhiltsova G., E. Dobromysova pianist, cellist A. Press, composer conductor Vladimir Mikoshko

In the year of the Great Patriotic War the theater visited Tokarskaya Valentine - the star of the satirical musical Moscow theater, which later was captured. Once in the camp for prisoners, she met her future husband AY Kapler

True inspiration Vorkuta Drama Theatre was Mordvinians BA, he is the artistic director and lead director. Mordvinova released in 1946, but his departure inflow theater camp only increased. During World War II the audience were more than six hundred concerts and performances each year, while in 1948, the theater group had more than 150 participants.

In 1950 the Gulag was disbanded, and the theater was truly dramatic. Currently, a professional drama theater, whose repertoire of plays by contemporary authors and dramaturgical world classics.

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Vorkuta State Drama Theatre
Palace of Culture miners
Vorkuta Museum of Local History