Decrees chambers of the Kremlin
   Photo: Decrees chambers of the Kremlin

So far, in the territory of Dovmont fortress remained only one building of the old times, to be exact XVII century - the building Decrees chambers, built in 1695. Chambers building set on a solid foundation, the walls are built of large, carefully fitted panels, geometrically accurate it gives completeness area and expertly written into their surroundings.

The building was constructed in 1695, which was released after the king's decree authorizing the construction in the city of Pskov stone Decrees chambers, due to the fact that Pskov - porubezhnye city, there are often cases of large fires. Construction was ordered to carry the money allocated townspeople and county people, but it was commanded to save money.

Decrees chambers consist of three parts - the premises for officials, which at the moment is a museum, where before there was an archive of documents, is now an exhibition hall, and housed the kolodnichaya (prison), a gallery. After the abolition of the clerks, the building was used for different purposes, such as in the 30s of the 19th century there was an inn with a peculiar name "Crimea".

Some time ago, the building was transferred to the ownership of the museum, and in the not so distant in 1995 were over huge restoration, thanks to which, you can see how it looked in the 17th century. Now, having been in the Decrees chambers, one can observe a wooden floor, which bears the forged nails, hand-forged and, of course, much more. One of the most beautiful exhibits of the museum - an extraordinary tiled stove. It also heats today as three centuries ago.

The exposition of the museum is not very big - only a few rooms. Master restorers our modern artfully restored the interior, which had a medieval House at the time, where centuries ago the governor and clerks to provide leadership of the Pskov land. A large number of exhibits - the original, but they are made at a later time XVIII-XIX centuries. It is very tempting to just that you can touch with his hands. Sit at the table magistrates, or become for some time clerk. Everything is possible, as if in a time machine. Perhaps that is why so clerks Chamber attracts students from different regions of Russia.

Gallery "Decrees chambers" is unlike other galleries in the city is that it offers visitors works of art restorers, museum workers, only those artists who were directly involved in the restoration and reconstruction of museum exhibits. This shows the special items. Each item presented at the exhibition in the "Decrees chambers" - took place a council of experts of the Pskov museum-reserve, and the Board has certified the authenticity, originality and artistic merits of the work, which is why all the pictures and stuff made by professionals.

In the gallery "Decrees chambers," you can buy icons, which are written by artists with all the traditions and canons of iconography with the blessing of the Patriarch of All Russia Alexei II. Here you can also obtain copies of works from the collections of the museum - reserve with landscapes of ancient Pskov, Pechory, performed on a highly professional level. In addition, there are copies of works by the greatest painters, performed by renowned artists from St. Petersburg. The originals of these works are stored in the world's best museums.

The gallery presents objects filled with master blacksmith Eugene vagina technique - hand-forging. Eugene in 1996 was named the best Russian blacksmith. Among his works of wrought iron flowers, candlesticks, weather vanes, and more. There is also a huge selection of ceramics, copyright enforcement and the famous embroidery from Torzhok.

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