Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Upper Bridge
   Photo: Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Upper Bridge

St. Nicholas Church is located at the entrance to the village of Upper Bridge. In the past, this village was particularly large, and its highest economic development has reached the end of the 18th century. It is supposed that the church of St. Nicholas was built in the 16th century. The first mention of it relate to 1684. According to legend, the original church was odnoprestolnoy and bell tower of the temple stand apart from the church on pillars made of stone. The only chapel, consecrated in the name of Our Lady, built in the early 18th century nobleman, a parishioner by the name Bekleshov. Throughout 1865 and the shadow of the old iconostasis were restored.

During the 1882-1883 years were conducted restoration work on the reconstruction of the temple after a severe fire, while were completely eliminated all internal injuries. In 1903 he was pulled tight and the old chapel, and during 1907-1908 at the expense of the parishioners was built warm stone chapel, consecrated in the name of Our Lady of "The Omen".

Planning structure of the church has changed considerably towards the end of the 18th century, but remained the same for all the traditional Pskov temple buildings presented by type bushel, and the western part of the bell tower and a porch. Volume-spatial composition of St. Nicholas Church is a bit stretched to the south side of a box, double-height presented the Chapel, pitched up to the top of the quadrangle, which unites the whole complex and the Church looks fully unified. Vertical tracks stolpoobraznoe bell tower is not replaced by a light drum belonging to the quadrangle, which after has been expanded to the southern part, has become quite small for the purpose of discharging a horizontal composition.

Church of St. Nicholas is trehapsidny, chetyrhstolpny temple with defining the structure shown vaults without arches. In this case, there is a drum in the vaults of overlapping quadrangular. Located on the west side poles have a circular cross section as tall as a man. In one corner of the choir have pridelnyh tent or Sergeevskaya little church. The doorway in the south wall there and leads into the south aisle. The north wall is a doorway over which provides the window opening. Available openings and the north wall of the altar rastesany, and the altar is only one window rastesany.

Decorative facade of the church of St. Nicholas has a distinctive and traditional look for the largest number of religious buildings of medieval Pskov. Each of the existing facade has a division in the form of four blades into several parts, and the blades are interconnected by means of creeping small bladed arochek. On the facade overlooking the northern side, hanging two icons in Niska. Half cylinder apse is decorated with the roll stains, as well as a belt, which consists of a curb and beguntsa. On both sides of the door, on the western facade, located half-round columns.

The decor of the drum is in the form of traditional geometric designs; Wedding drum - a arkaturno belt. Just above the windows are eyebrows, made a Frontovichka. The coating drum performed galvanized iron sheet around the perimeter of the arch. The church has a helmet-shaped head in the fracture. Base metal four-armed cross is decorated with a small drum.

In 1880, the school was opened at the church in the active work of the priest Luchansky, who are trained in 57 children. In October 1910 at a distance of three kilometers from the church of St. Nicholas appeared Zemstvo Ladovsky school, with an enrollment of 28 students. During the years 1911-1917 the church was Nazaretsky priest Vasily, shortly after that, was sentenced to death.

To date, all the church outbuildings have survived almost unchanged, except for the bell tower, which was razed to the lower tier. Not so long ago the head of the quadrangular drum was covered with roofing iron, after which it was replaced on the roof with a wooden cornice.

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