Island Pellotsaari
   Photo: The Island Pellotsaari

Pellotsaari Island in Ladoga Skerries is just a few kilometers from the mainland and 22 km from the famous island of Valaam. Ladoga Skerries is a beautiful archipelago of small rocky islands, located in the coastal area to the north of Lake Ladoga - here was planned formation of the well-known national park "Ladoga Skerries." Distance from Pellotsaari to the island of Valaam on the water line is 24 km. If you follow the route of the cruise, while the passage of the vessel from the shaft to Pellotsaari will be approximately a half hour. Small size of the island width is 3 km, and the length - 4 km.

At the moment, the famous island of the extremely popular (especially among the most active tourists) that in the area of ​​Lake Ladoga is possible to travel by boat or motoshlyupkah. In the future it is planned to organize a special parking area, designed for passenger ships, and the opening of the island to hold a mass and a wide tourists. Now the island acts restore and update the ship park. By the jetty can swim at the same time a few side mooring ships. With regard to the duration of stay of pleasure and cruise ships, the parking is permitted on the island for 5-6 hours.

The island has Pellotsaari and beautifully furnished circular pedestrian trail. It is also called ecological paths. Its total length is about 3 km and the estimated time to be spent on a full study of it, will be about 3 hours. On pedestrian ecological path are labeled 28-natural objects. The area is well equipped Pellotsaari, her path cleared in places made stair lift, and in particular Carr laid special walkways.

As is known, the island Pellotsaari previously entered into the possession of Finland, and since then the island preserved foundations of houses, some Finnish, Russian and Swedish families who lived here until the mid-20th century. The island was discovered by the school, as well as the pier, designed for larger vessels.

Once on the island Pellotsaari mountain quartzite was mined; Now is a brittle stone tourist route. Especially interesting is the fact that kvartsitnye faults completely flooded, forming a nearly bottomless bowl filled with ice-cold waters.

The island has a picturesque and unspoiled beach, which offers a beautiful view of Lake Ladoga, and on the island of Valaam.

Everything else, the island is Pellotsaari taiga island abundant vegetation and landscapes that at most due to the activities of the glacier retreated from the area of ​​Lake Ladoga area about 10-12 thousand years ago.

The small size of the island did not affect the diversity of landscapes, flora and fauna. On Pellotsaari can look into the hidden corners of nature, almost untouched by human activity, and there are landscapes that have changed under the influence of human economic activity.

Almost the entire territory of the island is covered with dense forests Pellotsaari with the dominance of conifers. On the island there are meadows, which are one of the most amazing ecosystems pertaining to Ladoga Skerries. Most broader community presents rock plants, and some of them listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Active nature Pellotsaari change began to happen since the 16th century when people increasingly began to develop their livestock and farming activities. In the southwest of the island are preserved foundations of houses are not only different nationalities but also the foundations of outbuildings, various fragments of hedges, ruins of separate buildings, reclamation ditch, as well as traces of the landing of certain types of vegetation. In the rest of the island is slowly recovering Pellotsaari initial appearance taiga forest: road disappearing, overgrown vegetation, agricultural land. On the island is gradually restored the structure of forest plantations, especially rare species back mosses, lichens, different plants that can not get along with constant human activity.

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