Catacombs of St. Solomoni
   Photo: Catacombs of St. Solomoni

Just a few kilometers from the port of Paphos, is located one of the most revered Christian shrines of Cyprus - Catacombs of St. Solomon. Just before the entrance to the cave is growing old pistachio tree, which is a kind of "guard" of the place. People believe that its branches tied to his personal thing, it is possible in a year to heal all diseases. Now the tree has completely hung with a variety of ornaments, handkerchiefs, belts and other small items.

This place got its name in honor of the Great Solomon, the power of which is still stored in one of the caves of the hill. According to legend, St Solomon, and her seven sons settled in these catacombs around the II century AD after escaping from Palestine. But soon they were captured and taken all martyred.

Sami catacombs were dug under the hill factory in IV century BC and used as a place for burial. It was only at the dawn of this century there settled the first Christians of the island.

They created a few more caves, which are arranged in a cross shape and beautiful underground church, which became famous for its amazing frescoes and drawings. It is believed that they appeared much later the church - in the times of the Crusaders. Fortunately, they are in reasonably good condition preserved to this day.

The main attraction of these catacombs is considered sacred spring, the water from which it was taken even the first Christians settled there. Recently, however, due to the large number of people willing to stock up on this life-giving water, the source of a little shallow and the water is turbid. But, according to knowledgeable people, this had no impact on its healing properties.

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