Villa Otto Zweig
   Photo: Villa Otto Zweig

The story of Olomouc villas owned by Otto Zweig and named after him, is very interesting .  The area in which the future was built this house, in 1916, the couple bought Konstandtovi .  Herman and Adele were planning to build a small area adjacent to the city park, a private residence, and what appealed to the young architect Paul Engelmann, who specialized in designing luxury villas .  Engelmann gladly went to work and brought the project to the creation of his teacher Adolf Loos .  The facade of the mansion Konstandtovi, on the idea of ​​creators, was to be decorated with quotations from various works of literature .  The inner space of the villa was open and not punctuated by partitions .  Loos, therefore, he wanted to realize his idea to create Raumplana - continuous space .  For some reason the house was not built .  Most likely, spouses Konstandtovi simply did not have the funds because, in the end, they got rid of the site and in the city .  Place for future home purchased gentlemen Zweig .

Otto Zweig, a distant relative of the writer Stefan Zweig was born in Prosteeve in a wealthy merchant family, which was engaged in brewing. He married Anna Bressovoy, whose father also kept brewing small factory, but in Olomouc. In-law decided to move closer to the test.

The main entrance to the villa Zweig, built in classical style by the architect Franz Kuhn, a portico crowned with a balcony, decorated in imperial style and decorated with stucco. The first floor is divided into two zones by a long corridor. In the courtyard garden was located where it was possible to get up the stairs from the back of the house.

Villa Otto Zweig - an elegant, functional and comfortable house, something reminiscent of rural estates Czech Republic.

Zweig died during the war in the camp of Terezin. Their son had died in Buchenwald.

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