Julia Villa Pelican
   Photo: Julia Villa Pelican

Unusual villa on the street Vozovtse, built in the style of rondokubizma belonged at one time to the famous sculpture of Julius Pelikan, the authorship of which belong to many statues in Olomouc. Pelikanova villa now declared a cultural monument and attracts many tourists. Before its entrance is common to see groups of tourists, with great attention listening to the guide. Knowledgeable guide can tell a lot about the sculptor, his family, the history of the appearance of the house.

With one of the architects of his residence Pelican Julius had known since the days in school, sculptors, which was located in Gorica. In Prague, the path of Josef Stepanek and Pelican dispersed. First he decided to become an architect, and the second went to learn the art of stone masons. Even in the Academy of Arts, Josef Stepanek showed his talent even then he predicted a great future. In developing its architectural masterpieces he used his experience of working with small forms. To his friend Julius Pelican Stepanek decided to build a house that consists of several cubes. Conservative society did not understand the ideas of Olomouc architect and condemned the appearance of this villa near presentable classical buildings. But now this villa, which also worked on Bohuslav Fuchs, considered one of the landmarks of the city.

During the German occupation of the Czech Republic, many wealthy villas have lost their owners. Heirs of the Pelican had been arrested for taking part in the resistance, his Jewish wife sent to Auschwitz. The Communists also did not stop spying on unreliable, according to them, the owners of the villa.

Now we see a house where he once lived and worked as a talented man, has done a lot for the city and the country.

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