   Photo: Unicov

Unicov town on the river Oskava not is small in size and consists of about a thousand buildings. The historic center is compact, for inspection will be enough just a few hours.

Unicov very well located: on the plain between the mountain ranges and turbulent river. Now it is a cozy, quiet Czech town, which would be similar to other provincial towns, were it not for several major local attractions that are sure to see. These important artifacts related diploma Margrave Přemysl on which in 1234 received city rights Unicov. Such ancient document of this kind in the Czech Republic is no longer preserved, so the local diploma is considered to be unique.

That in Unicov originally settled the miners, was recently confirmed by the findings of local archaeologists. As a result of excavations in the ancient church, they found articles and coins made of tin, which date from the XIII century. Of the buildings of that time almost nothing, many of the buildings were destroyed by fire.

From buildings of the later period of construction will be of interest to tourists fountain created in the XVIII century, and the City Museum, the exhibition which tells the history of the Olomouc Region.

The city preserved medieval fortifications. These include Medelskie gate through which residents and visitors before Unicov got into town.

Another point of interest for inspection - a former prison now converted into a prison museum. The building, which houses the exposition, has not changed since the middle of the XIX century. Museum staff in the dark interiors to perfectly recreate the gendarmerie, which was then in the XIX century. Also in the museum are shown the instruments of torture.

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