The Church of St. Demetrius in Gorodnya
   Photo: Church of St. Demetrius in Gorodnya

The village is in Gorodnya Batetsky District Novgorod region, on the banks of the river Gorodonka (a tributary of the Black River), 5 km from the administrative center of the district - the village Batetskaya. Gorodnya is famous for its long and interesting history, but it differs from the other localities the presence of beautiful churches, standing on a hillock - temple Demetrios.

In 1380, Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy was defeated in the Battle of Kulikovo. In the battle involved and people from the village of Gorodnya. Across Russia then began to appear temples erected in honor of the patron saint of the Russian army - Demetrios.

In "Commemorative Book of the St. Petersburg diocese," dating from 1899, contains information on the construction of the first church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrios Gorodensky on earth. The document tells that the church was built of stone, built in 1826, "at the expense of the landowner E.I.Blazhenkova." Also had the bell tower. The temple had 3 throne: the chief - in honor of St. Demetrios, the second - in the name of the Holy Virgin, the third - in honor of the Holy Florus and Laurus.

In the early XX century, the original church was rebuilt much, so in the "Catalogue of monuments of history and culture of the Novgorod region," it dates from the beginning of the XX century. The church was built in the pseudo-Russian style.

According to the stories of old residents, the church was large and amazingly beautiful. Legend tells that the temple bells in Novgorod began to call only when the bell sounds in the village of Gorodnya.

Demetrius temple had survived the years of Soviet power and World War II. During the war, the church belonged to the sixth Luga deanery from Leningrad diocese. Dashing times for the Church came in 1960, when the temple Gorodensky been destroyed, despite the appeal of local residents do not close it. With the church bells were removed, damaged church utensils. Locals say that the people who took part in the looting and vandalizing the church suffered terrible punishment for their deeds.

In 1986 the church was drawn up a passport. It was given its description. Status of the temple at the time was described as deserted, it quickly collapses. North-west porch was completely dismantled and the south-west porch there is one of the pillars. With inner and outer sides of the building there is loss of masonry made of bricks. The roof leaks, the floor is missing, broken furnace.

In 1997, the Administration of the Novgorod region agreed Dmitrievskaya church in the village Gorodnya accept protection as a cultural heritage site. She was assigned to the newly created diocese of Novgorod Batetskaya deanery.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the church has experienced a rebirth. Since 2003, at the expense of the private patron began restoration of the temple. In 2004, the consecration of a church chapel. By 2007, the church was completely restored.

Today Belostenny Demetrios Church, that moved its dome to the heavens, striking the incredible beauty and grandeur. Such splendor can not but admire. But for the residents of the village of Gorodnya, and all Batetskaya land, the temple and the story of his miraculous recovery has become a symbol of rebirth and spiritual strength of these places. In addition, now there are proposals to place the image of the Church on the arms Batetsky District.

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