Museum "Nature" them. S.I.Trofimova
   Photo: The Museum of "Nature" them. S.I.Trofimova

The only museum of its kind in the "Nature" is located in the village of Nizhny Novgorod region Chernuha. Formed in 1955, the museum society of hunters Chernuhinskogo area. Chairman of the hunting society and initiated the establishment of the museum was Semen Ivanovich Trofimov, whose name was later named the museum. The main purpose of the museum is the presentation of the endangered due to deforestation and species of birds and the preservation of the wealth of his native land for future generations.

Semyon Ivanovich invited from Moscow master taxidermist Nicholas Nazimov, produce the bulk of stuffed animals for zoological museum. Work Nazimov presented in several original compositions: "Nora fox cubs", "Ferrets attacked the chicken", "Lynx did not share the hare", "Wolves with a calf," and a large number of birds present in their environment.

Created by the enthusiasm of the locals, the museum "Nature" for a long time had its own premises, while in rural areas have not built a new school building into a museum dedicated facilities. In February 1992 the museum was awarded the title of National Museum, and in 1995 the museum was named in honor of the founder - S.I.Trofimova.

Today, the Museum "Nature" them. S.I.Trofimova represents more than a thousand exhibits of birds and animals that live on land Arzamas, a collection of vintage clothing Chernuha village, a variety of souvenirs of natural origin, and much more, due to the nature and culture of the region. A unique museum in the village is a conservation center Chernuha Arzamas district.

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