   Photo: Helikon-Opera

"Helikon-Opera" - a Moscow musical theater, which was created in 1990. Organized in the capital of the new musical theater, Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Bertman.

The theater opened in a historic building on Nikitskaya street in central Moscow. Glebova-Streshnevs Manor was built during the reign of Catherine. Already in the 19th century manor house has become a theater. There were Italian and French actors were the performances of Viennese operetta. In the early 20th century, the theater opened the chamber scene.

The theater building were restored. In 2009 it was demolished part of the building for the expansion of the building. In 2011, it was demolished and the surviving wing of the manor-Glebova-Streshnevs Shakhovskys. In connection with the restoration of the main building of "Helikon-Opera" theater was transferred to the use of the theater hall, located on Novy Arbat.

"Helikon-Opera" shows the audience of about 200 performances a year. The theater has a rich repertoire and great company. The repertoire of Verdi, Mozart, Shostakovich, Mussorgsky, Gershwin, Donizetti, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and many other composers.

The theater troupe for more than twenty soloists. The orchestra plays more than a hundred professional musicians. In the chorus of the theater singing graduates Academy of Music Gnesin and the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. Highly choir allowed to carry out large-scale theater productions.

Theater productions have received numerous awards. Seven times "Helikon-Opera" received the prize "Golden Mask". The head of "Helikon-Opera" Dmitry Bertman, a director of the set plays, both in Russia and abroad. Bertman knows in Germany and France, Spain and Austria, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden and Canada.

Together with his head, he got the popularity and the Moscow musical theater. In 2000, Mstislav Rostropovich put in "Helikon - Opera" "Die Fledermaus". Her show at Evian, was a great event in the musical and theatrical world.

Performances of "Helikon-Opera" was successfully held at the famous theater stages in Paris, London, Strasbourg, Dijon, Santander. Since 2005, the "Helikon-Opera" annually participates in international festivals: Bartok + (Miskolc, Hungary) and Birgitta (Tallinn, Estonia).

Theatre's tour of cities in France, Britain, Austria, the US, Spain has consistently received rave reviews and feedback from the world's major publications such as Le Monde, The Independent, The Financial Times, Le Figaro, Washington Post, Herald Tribune and others.

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